Kim, our March Runner of the Month

Congratulations to Kim, our Runner of the Month. Kim has been a consistent runner for the past few years. You may have spotted her out and about getting the miles in around Frenchay. Unfortunately, last year Kim took a nasty tumble and sustained an injury. However, she didn’t let that stop her. Sensibly, and with medical advice and guidance, she returned to the running club, taking it steady and building up to rejoin our 5-mile group.
Not only has Kim shown great resilience and determination, but she is also a reliable stand in Run Leader when needed. She assists with keeping an eye on others in the group which is a function all run leaders really appreciate. For being a fantastic role model and highly valued member of our club, well done and thank you Kim!


Next 5-10km course date & women’s self defence

The school summer holidays are upon us and we see varying numbers of people at club each week. It's also an opportunity to think about September as a great month for new beginnings and usually some of the best of summer weather. Just Run Frenchay will launch its next...